Hoorah....camper manufacturers are open today so done a bit of visiting which included 3 visits to Modcon today..lucky they are only down the road and around a few corners and that they have nothing better to do than chat to me...So I was deciding on the new FF1 model or the old ecomate traveller model... there were bits and pieces of both that I liked... pluses and minuses with the FF1 were the finish was a lot better but the next delivery was due late Feb,and you would presume the finish will be better again although I still have the customline and waiting is not my strong point... better use of storage and storage access, higher sides so can load up more crap inside, room for more electrics where the batteries are stored and looks heaps better.... the traveller was cheaper although still more than I can afford... a bit more room in the entrance area and switches were a bit more protected from being kicked...I liked the kitchen more although the FF1 had a better pantry/fridge slide and the weber Q fits in easy where as there will be some juggling with the ecomate... . and it has a boat rack although I dont have a boat but I have some expensive bicycles so the thought was modify the boat rack to carry bikes when I travel to races.... is available now... so we sorted out tow away prices for both and I was going to go back home and see how it effected my cashflow since I am still not working and being unemployed doesnt pay well but didnt want to take the risk of common sense kicking in and see what money was left when I do get a job so put a deposit down on the ecomate... hopefully pick it up by the weekend as we are heading to Byron Bay Friday night...now to sell the soft floor