Many thanks for your responses and comments.
The guy that did this is over 60, Mediterranean birth and upbringing for 12 years, and over the last 5 years has seen his son jailed for drug use, developed a property estate that was valued at $6.5million and due to the GFC and idiot valuers, ended up taking 4 years to sell at less than cost which saw a loss of over $2.5 million.
Many would have turned to crime, drugs, or suicide, but all he did was pizz off an office worker.
My understanding of harassment was that it was based on more than a one off situation.This particular meme uses the "V" word which many find offensive for some reason. The term having bigger balls has been applied to many strong women including heads of state Angela Merkel, Margaret Thatcher, Helen Hunt and Kevin Rudd, and of those the only woman who complained apparently was Rudd.
The whole context was not meant to be sexual.
I saw the results of one case where a manager over a period of time went from complimenting an employee on her clothes ended up saying" I like the look of your legs in that skirt. I would like to see them wrapped around my neck"
Now that is a clear case of sexual harassment, and it cost him $15 000, but the total of all the offences combined was around $150 000.
The one I have described was a one off situation with no hint of any sexual connotation, but looks like Human Rights are desperate enough to take it up.
I am old enough to remember many years ago when a piece of art (Chloe??) a nude painting was re-hung over a Melbourne bar. This sort of thing was pretty well considered porn up to then, now you see far more flesh in Women's magazines and no one flutters an eyelash or as the meme indicates a Victorian era woman, faints from having the vapours.
I guess we will see what Human Rights have to say.