Should we dig a hole to bury and burn our waste; have to take our own porta potties; or take our number 2s out with us?
After reading about the sealing of many remote highways and roads, and how Pauline Hanson wants to spend $100,000 on building a boardwalk to the Tip of Cape York, I questioned why building toilets to cater to the massive influx of tourists wasn't the first thing proposed.
I suggested this on Fbook and mentioned that even if everyone responsibly buried their waste, there still isn't enough ground to cater for the numbers of tourists.
I was told how disgusting it was to bury human excrement, and that all travellers should carry their own portable toilets.
Whilst my point was that we needed toilets at the Tip before more infrastructure was built to get more people there more quickly and easily, my intention wasn't to suggest that everyone should be going to the toilet at The Tip, but that many people may need to go, and if the closest facilities are back at Punsand Bay or Bamaga (or Somerset if the toilet is still there and working?), then they're going to go somewhere, and it's better to bury it than leave it blowing in the breeze on the ground.
A n y w a y, it got me thinking. Whilst I'd always thought the proper way to toilet in the bush was to bury and burn the waste, is it? and is it feasible anymore given the numbers that now travel? (can you imagine...eeewwwww)
So my question to you is: should we be taking porta potties? Should council/government be putting in more facilities for the masses (and maintaining them)? Or should we take it out with us? in which case more dump points are needed.