Your a hypocrite. Your happy to accept a tax payer funded cash handout but you begrudge the people who took up the solar just because you weren't in a position too. 🤑
Didn't you say you did the reverse?
Here is why I say its different. The 44c FIT is, as I understand it funded by an increase in the general tariff which is paid indiscriminately by electricity consumers no matter their financial situation.
The stimulus was paid from general government revenue which includes income taxes (form which those who have more pay more and those with less pay less) as well as business taxes, resource rents etc etc.
The stimulus was also available to everyone who had paid taxes in the previous year (from memory) where as the rooftop solar was only available to those who owned property and had the means to be able to purchase the solar systems.
The funding models were not so apparent when people signed up which is a big reason why I don't judge anyone who did and as I have said I may have if I were in a position to be able to do so.
I don't in anyway begrudge people putting solar on there roof or even getting some compensation for positively contributing to the environment which benefits us all, but I do have issues with people gaining significant financial benefit at the cost of others especially when that by design is the less well off.