Personally I wouldn't touch a DPF diesel with a barge pole but in any case the days of the recreational diesel are numbered if developments in the trucking industry are anything to go by- in particular those comments from truckers what's mandated already in California-
"A new retrofit DPF costs between $15,000 and $20,000 or more depending on data logging and application.The filter element may cost between $5000 and $7500.00 and in California exchange is not permitted except in very rare cases."
"the EPA mandates that the DPF registered to the vehicle MUST remain with the vehicle for life. No exchanges, except for totally failed units. Application must be made to the EPA here in CA for DPF Serial Number changes."
Yes Californians are right up the EU's backside when it comes to Green regs and mandatory controls like this and we lag behind, but what's got the trucking industry here worried is what new equipment do you buy when they're all coming out with DPFs for the world market, just like the new diesel SUVs and 4WDs we're seeing. Furthermore how soon will our Regs rubber stamp those OS ones so don't go losing/exchanging your DPF when it's numbers match your vehicle only.
It's OK for the trucking industry to wear all that and pass the costs on to everything we buy but I'm not remotely interested in that can of worms for domestic diesels anymore. Diesels are yesterdays.