Ok, Genuine question here.
It's a bit long winded, sorry.
As most of you know I operate/sole trader, a property maintenance Gig.
Two of my biggest clients, Real Estates, don't scream at me, They have been very good to me, we have a great working relationship, we've built up a trust were 90% of the time I have not had to quote or wait for payment.
Last week I was informed from both, That they were going to a 'New Maintence System' called Maintenance Mangerment.
I received the emails today, explaining I had been 'Invited' to register to accept Work Oderers from xxx, xxx.
I click on the link, fill in all crap, abn, lic number, postal address, Bla Bla.
Now it asks me to buy credits to accept Quotes/Jobs.
WTF, they want me to pay for receiving work order.
Note, It does state that a few will be charged, just add this to your quote/invoice.
That is just passing on another cost to contractors/property owners.
Has any other members have any dealings with or know of what's this is about?