Without scrolling through 21 pages of this thread (I only joined today), I thought peeps may be interested in this list.
The greater the density, the 'harder' the timber. In the context of this forum, that means that the harder timbers give off more heat, which is why the desert timbers are so great to cook on & get warm by.
Botanical name Common name Density Kg / metre3 Acacia aneura Mulga 1200 kg/m3
Acacia cambagei Gidgee 1280
Acacia oswaldii Oswald's wattle 1130
Acacia papyrocarpa Western myall 1230
Acacia salicina Broughton willow, River Coobah 675
Acacia estrophiolata Ironwood 875
Acacia tetragonophylla Sandhill wattle, Umbrella bush, Marpoo 1164
Callitris glaucophylla Cypress pine, native pine 857
Casuarina pauper Black oak, Belah 1290
Citrus glauca Lime bush, desert lemon 960
Codonocarpus continifolius Native poplar, bellfruit 435
Eremophila longifolia Emubush, Long leaved eremophila 820
Eucalyptus camaldulensis River redgum 900
Eucalyptus coolibah ssp arida (now a Corymbia sp) Coolibah. 1155
Eucalyptus gracilis White mallee, yorrel 1067
Eucalyptus oleosa Red mallee 1230
Eucalyptus youngiana Ooldea mallee 1130
Grevillea striata Beefwood 970
Hakea lorea Corkwood 1135
Myoporum platycarpum Sugarwood, False sandalwood 1023
Santalum lanceolatum Plumbush 930
These and probably others that can be found at
www.greenhouse.gov.au/ncas/ which is the National carbon accounting system.
Good ol' redgum, favoured by many city folk, does not rate highly, you'll notice.