Well I've managed to resurrect a dead GPS!!!!
It had two repairs that needed to be done, grrrr.
The first was the GPS antenna needed to be replaced. Crispy if you PM your address I'll send you a new antenna so you can fix yours. Note there is no solder holding the Antenna in place to the chip, it's just a tight fit (so just slide a knife between the board and the antenna and it should come out). I did have to trim the length of the new pin to fit into the antenna port on the board. I took some video of this part so I'll try to post it up soon.
The second fix was to do with the connector, something happened to it in the crash as not all the seemed to be hooked up on a resistance test. So off it came and I soldered a new DF13 socket in place (damn thats hard work, those are some small pins).
I now have the GPS connected to an APM board and it is showing a GPS lock with 7 sats and a HDOP around 3 - it is under cover so I'm hoping when outdoors this will drop a bit lower.
Currently installing all the software I need onto the little ODROID C1. Having to compile some stuff as it's an ARM based processor so most APM things are compiled for intel based chips.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to resurrect one of my broken minim's and get the gimbal mount ready for the new parts that will turn it into a 3 axis gimbal.
I'm thinking of using a CNC cutting place to do some carbon fibre plates for the tricopter, it might help to lighten it's weight. Does anyone know any places in Aus which are reasonably priced and good quality? I' thinking of using