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Question on Q&A last night to a CIA whistle blower and advocate against 'enhanced' interrogation techniques : "Do you reckon you'd be able to get the truth out of Craig Thompson?". Wrong but funny.
Also on the show was a Russian writer/dissident who talked about life under a Putin dictatorship. She was amazed at the big deal that was being made out of a relatively small issue. She said that in Russia being elected to public office meant that you no longer needed to be accountable for your actions, whereas here a speeding ticket is enough to bring you unstuck. She also said how envious she was of such a clearly healthy democracy where a politician was obliged to stand up in front of the country and explain his actions (no matter how poorly).
So to the people thinking that an unethical politician, or a disputed (by some) election means that our political system is f$%ed, wake up to yourselves. The shock jocks and deliberately divisive elements of the media would like everyone to believe that the country is going to hell in a hand basket (ratings), but the truth is we live in one of most stable and healthy democracies in the world. The whole debate over Craig Thompson is simply a sign that things are going well. If he's found guilty he should go to jail with the other thieves, no question (and maybe a couple of other squeaky clean HSU high ups as well).
I'm not saying that things are perfect. Just saying that I think that calling the whole democratic process into question over one d@%khead is over the top.
Bugger, I was just acknowledging Dazzlers escort joke and had to shoot my mouth off