Yep, Kit_ekat9, we've got bits and pieces we've collected over the years that can be transplanted, and we've also ordered the annex pack too. We currently have a custom canopy on the back of the Nav that has a Platinum fridge slide for the Trailblaza, sliding drawers and a Drifta kitchen. We have an older tilt fridge slide that will go in the Aussie Swag, we're going back to the well body tub for the Nav, and will transplant the drawers back into that. We'll still bring the Drifta and the Oz Tent along for longer trips where we might make a side journey for a few days away from the trailer to places where it might not be wise to take the trailer.
The non-slip matting is great stuff, we also put a layer in the bottom of the fridge too, as well as in the Drifta. We love the Drifta, but the Aussie Swag kitchen we think is the best set up we've seen, so we're really looking forward to creating some feasts with that.