Hi All,
I will spare you all the details of how bad the weather was and how there were no fish up at Sandy Cape but here are a few pic’s anyway.
We ended up heading up to the Cape in between tides and had to take all of the cuttings to make it up there. It was a little bit interesting seeing as we were fully loaded. So with out adieu …….
The Damage done waiting for the barge
Our Camp with the rest of the my swaggers
The terrible camping conditions awaiting you up the Cape
View out from camp
The start of another night on Fraser
This photo was taken about 10 minutes before something rather large spooled 300m of line off of my rod and continued on running taking my rod and the rod holder with it leaving no trace.
The terrible fishing conditions faced by us.
Just how small does a fully loaded 80 series look next to a new 200 series