My 2c worth. By no means am I condoning what went on. It's deplorable.
Having worked in over 14 indigenous communities, you get a real understanding of what goes on.
We will take race, creed and colour out of this for now.
You are bought into the world and you are exposed to violence, rape, incest, swearing, drunkenness etc.
Your mother and father are either not together or it was a fling for both. They are either in jail, gone off to the nearest town drinking and the kids are left with friends.
You are bullied constantly, no food, sleeping in numerous houses, raped both male and female, incest comes into play also.
You do not have to go to school, so you wander between families and learn to survive on your own. This happens to kids as young as 5.
You join gangs. You learn to have no respect for anyone, you are there to survive. Break into places, steal from any one, bash people to get money. Normally kids are between 7 and 15 and know the law and cannot be touched.
You head into towns, in gangs, and prey on tourists who have money, break into their cars, caravan etc. You just want money for food.
Like I said I will never condone violence but they know no better. It is a forgotten society that no one can ever fix.
Now imagine if this was a white person !!!