could it be that a large majority of people are using ADSL/NBN for video conferencing/web calling/facetiming now, but not many people are using 4G for the same thing?
so your ADSL is getting hammered in the upload because of the extra bandwidth for video upload, but people are still using 4G for mainly downloads?
ADSL is throttled to max 2Mbps upload for everyone except business customers that pay for guaranteed up/down speeds over 50Mbps on the copper network.
And yes apparently the copper network can handle up/down speeds over 50Mbps, but not enough for everyone to have it that way.
I was quoted over $800/month for a guaranteed 50/50 connection to my property, hence the $2k install of my dual antenna 4G system instead.
The way 4G was explained to me when they where installing my system, is that it is heavily traffic dependent, even more so then ADSL.
I have an Optus branded modem running a Telstra sim.
During the installation they reconfigure the modem and discard the band settings forcing it to only work on the best channel for me.
Unfortunately our tower only has 2 bands.
One that everyone’s devices automatically connect to, the other that has upload speeds worse then my 0.85Mbps ADSL connection.
So unfortunately I’m connected to the tower with the rest of the town that are now working from home, and today’s speeds are only mildly better then yesterday.
Up= 12.1Mbps
Down= 1.5Mbps