I reckon, by now, if I was Andrews.
I would've arranged to be able to move to Qld. (Would you go anywhere else?)
Then, with no warning at a press conference, just go postal, but in a very controlled and quiet manner.
Fine, you don't want a curfew.... lifted, do what ya want.
You don't want to wear masks, don't then, do what ya want.
You don't want a 5 klm travel ban...... lifted, do what ya want.
You don't like how I've handled everything..... fine..... you handle it.
You think i'm the biggest drop kick ever..... fine, put in someone else.... or you handle it ya self.
You can all go take a flying fukk at a rolling donut..... i'm done.
Then just get up, and quietly walk out saying, no questions please, you bastards already have all the answers.