Cheers mate good tips. I’ll send the others in first lol
Now you are thinking
that's exactly what I do haha.
Yabbies are only any good in Coongul Creek (5 odd km South of Woralie), about 2 km back from the mouth along the beach, walk through the camp sites and into the creek bed. Giving away all my secrets now. If you can worm, the beach does have them - best part in the little Bay just North of Coongul in Front of the first "Coongul camping area >" sign.
If you can cast net, the mouths of the creeks on the first of the making tide will have hardy heads waiting to push up the creeks (On a S.E.'er). I also didn't tell you that tailor work that beach after dark, and long tails off the beach are really (really!) fond of live poddy mullet.
If you want whiting, keep well back from the water's edge - they come in right to the edge, but all the back beach guys put on their waders and head straight past them haha.
Up the creeks at high tide at night the really big whiting (and occasional bonefish) will take two or three soldier crabs on a hook (from the coongul yabby banks) and it keeps the pickers away.
That's a carton now!