I've been busted by a ranger parked at the concrete block at the "no go past" point.
I hadn't been up the island for 20 years when it happened, and super low tide made this 'unexpected' sign a bit hard to notice, (for me,)...
So it didn't help when I drove straight past the bunker to the tip of tbe island..
But all the ranger did was 'encourage me' to go online on the beach and purchase my day pass, (which I did) ... though he simply drove off after our chat...
But to consider paying about $50 for a few hours up the beach on low tide makes me sick...
The 15 minute track in to the beach is such a pathetic disgrace - they ought to resign in shame...
Total rip off because of zero maintained track in.... (Its a vehicle wrecker on anything above 5km p/h).... and imagine trying to crawl through that powdery slop at that low speed !!!
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