Yes, it's a whinge!!
Having just travelled almost 10,000km of rural WA including the Canning Stock Route the "wave" is almost non-existent now.
For the sake of the argument, this equates to approximately 7500km not on a "goat track" and to further the equation, we'll exclude 1000km from major town centres. So, therefore 6,000km of high speed dirt and bitumen. We were a single vehicle with a roof top.
My partner who observed this started counting and the results are in........
Cars - 408. 400 did not wave (98.04%)
Caravanners - 327. 315 did not wave (96.33%) - this included the Britz et al units
Campers - 295. 269 did not wave (91.19%)
Trucks - 185. 65 did not wave (35.14%) - cannot explain this except for I moved over to the fog line giving them room and pulled over completely on the dirt.
Now the interesting stat and I put this down to pure arrogance especially of the wobble road block towing people.
100% of the 8 towing carvanners AND 50% of the 10 campers trailers did NOT have their UHF on to allow us to overtake safely on DIRT. Why the F would you tow on a dirt road and either not have a UHF or if you have, switch the bloody thing on!!
On the bitumen was almost the same. 100% of the caravanners doing 90km/h or less would not move over to the fog line allowing a clear sight of the road ahead to the point almost all moved to the centreline once they realised someone was behind them. Calling on the UHF on both 18 and 40 and even if it was blazoned all over the back of their van was a waste of time as they still didn't acknowledge.
What, was I going to hold them up? Was I going to claim the best spot at the next "free" camp?
We all are travelling on the road together with less than a metre from death with a vehicle going the opposite way, we all are exploring this great land, why can't we be courteous??
Now, don't get me started on the white n brown ticker tape that litters the roads..........either women learn to "air" dry or take a ziplock bag to put ya Shit-tickets in and blokes, well we shake so if we are taking a crap, burn it or bag it (and burn later). It's not hard!!
Feel a little better now!!