I'm thinking of getting a heater, but watching 4hrs of vids will have to wait.
His take is once a month or so, he discusses the issue in the first few minutes of video 1. I guess it would really depend on how much you are using it though, someone who is on the road full-time would be different to someone heading away once or twice a month.
They are $160 shipped for a full kit including the tank, I think it's a no brainer at that price. Once you have one you will probably wonder why you took so long. The first video is worth a watch though before you pull the pin as he discusses controller types etc.
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223486564232The better units are all automatic and decoke themselves. The Chinese short circuited the tech and released controllable fan speed models without Understanding the basics.
Maybe not choke up as quickly might be more accurate, even then, from my understanding, it would only be an issue if you turned the dosing up disproportionally to the fan speed.
Do you know of this actually being a widespread issue? Just sounds a little like marketing speak for people trying to justify much higher prices, happy to be proven wrong though..
Each to their own but I think that the possible slight increase in chocking up is probably preferable to having the unit cycle.