Hello Swaggers,
The organizing committee along with Brett & Jillsy had another zoom catchup last night to discuss the next National Meet.
It was decided to
postpone this years Meet for 12 months - until September 2022.
A few factors influenced our decision.
1. The ongoing occurrences of "hot spot" outbreaks (usually originating from Hotel Quarantine), which have in turn led to local lock downs, etc.
2. Following on from 1, the continued implementation of border closures between Western Australia, NSW/Vic and NSW/Qld. Unfortunately as long as there is potential for these state border
closures to occur at short notice it makes it hard for members to plan long distance cross border trips.
3. Myswag being a responsible entity, ie, should not plan or encourage an event that may directly or indirectly affect the health of both travellers and locals alike.
Although things COVID related will hopefully continue to improve once the Nationwide vaccination program is implemented during the remainder of 2021 the committee as a whole felt that at the present time is was better to be cautious and delay for 12months.
In the meantime, we thought that we might hold a synchronized campfire at some stage, allowing members to zoom into a myswag event from their own back yard or camping spot to help blow the nationwide cobwebs away.... Stay tuned..
on behalf of:
Al , Vaughan, Danny, Brett & Jillsy