If you are planning on using fans you need to have one fan pulling in cooler air and another blowing out the hot air, its all about heat transfer.
Otherwise you are just circulating the same temperature air around and the only cooling effect you are getting is what your skin does, eg sweat.
I have thought about fitting a hatch fan to the tailgate of the hard floor camper, to draw air in from underneath the camper, the coolest part of the camp.
Then having a fan at the top of the apex of the camper tent blowing hot air out.
This is only a theory as I haven't set this system up yet.
Yes stopping the tent getting full sun is the best option, eg a tarp, but for easy and quick set up and pack up this is not an option for me.
Its about getting the hot air out and drawing cool air in, this is the only way I can see how you can keep the inside cool.
At present I have a tropical roof, and 2 fans inside camper just blowing air around.