Tolls should be based on Gross weight of the vehicle.
Only fair way.
or distance travelled.............
In Brisbane the 2 major toll roads are the Logan Motorway and the Gateway Motorway that transverse North - South and East - West. Brisbane is divided in half by a river, If you live and travel on the South side using those motorways, 3 tolls for you.................If you travel the same distance on the toll roads North side of the river........No tolls for you ?
I think a fairer tolling method would be to have a camera at every on/off ramp. and charge based on the distance of the toll road used. There are sections of these toll roads that become gridlocked during peak hour every day by vehicles that effectively do not go through any tolling points, so the road is not "user pays", it is "
users that pay subsidise those that don't"