You don't have to look too closely to notice that 3/4 of the compressors priced from $50 to $300 are the thumper with various paint jobs. I got mine in red, paid about $160 "on sale" back when I was new to 4WDing and newly returned to Oz, and still yet to learn how things work around here.
It's a decent compressor IMO, I do a lot of beach work so mine has seen some action. I'm not sure if it's a genuine 160L/min as it does take a while to inflate my patrol tyres. The hose and fittings that come with it are garbage, I replaced both a long time ago. On a good hot day it will shut down several times while doing all of my tyres from 18 back to 36 and I have to wait a few minutes here and there.
The biggest thing for me if I was buying a compressor again would be to get one with a pressure switch, to save running back and forth to turn it on and off (or making the kids do it). Might not be a big deal for others, but I think the extra investment is worthwhile. A lot of them are coming with remotes now, which I spose eliminates that need, if you want to carry and use a remote (I don't).
My old man has a mean mother compressor, not sure the details off the top of my head, but I think it's about 110L/min. It has a pressure switch, it's quiet, and I reckon it's at least as fast as my thumper, so I reckon there is some value to the higher priced models.