I use it and not ashamed to admit it.
Why?? Started while I was caring for my wife as it was an easy way to communicate with family and her friends on her page, after she passed I thought I would not use it anymore but find it a good tool.
It is the easiest way I can gain access to groups of people who like or specialise in rocking horses. (Sounds a bit like Myswag hey) These groups are closed so only people who are members can post & see what is posted.
For example today I got some rabbit skin glue & was able to ask about ratios for water & whiting to make traditional gesso.
There is a lot of good info on there on some of the open groups such as free camping sites.
The kids think it is great to send me messages as I don't carry a mobile unless I specifically need it & no phone in the shed.
I also keep contact with some old army mates & see any info on upcoming reunions.
As for all the dribble it is easy to stop seeing that, I have blocked rellies who put rubbish up.
It is a good advertising tool for events such as the Lost Trades Fair.
What is not to like or are you secret users & in denial to avoid the ribbing from the mates down at the pub