It still perplexes me that as a musician, comedian, actor, writer artisit whatever
Thier work makes millions of people happy but you are still so sad inside that you decide to end it all
I agree.... I think the figure is about 500 - 750 people in Australia suicide every year. .... That's up to 15 per week.... So yesterday; today; tomorrow etc; about 2 a day....
Individuals feeling like there is no way out. .... that the pain (for them and family) is "less" by going -- than the real (emotional/mental) pain the are suffering right now -- in staying ....
This lack of hope and meaning for life is very sad..... Its like a disease...
And it doesn't matter one's material status; income; and social standing....
Often (mostly men) hit their 50's ... They suddenly look around them and realise that they are never going to live their dreams of youth OR they suddenly look around them, they are fabulously successful, wealthy, great family and friends - but still; their lives have no meaning. ....
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