I like my old iPhone, it makes me smile all the time.
Apple says; "give me your credit card details"
I say; "No F.....ing way!!!"
Apple says; "Well then, give me your finger print."
I say; "No"
Apple starts getting cranky and says; "Well at least you can give me access to all of your data and I'll save it on my server for you."
I say; "No!"
Apple says; "That's it! If you want to use me I'm going to make you invent a new iTunes password every other week and won't let you use any password that you've ever used before...!!!!"
I say; "No thanks"
Apple has a complete meltdown and can't function without begging me for all of my information every 30 seconds.
I only want to play music on my old iPhone, so I wait until Apple has finished having it's toddler tantrum, I close all of the requests for my details and then open Spotify and listen to all of my music that is not on iTunes.
Thanks Apple, you make me smile all the time.