Venue nominations close 31st July 2017.
A reminder that the rules for nominating a prospective venue for the 2019 National Meet are as follows:1.
Don't nominate it unless you and at least two other Myswag Members are
happy to assume responsibility for organising a Meet there.2. Please don't nominate a location, please nominate a venue. For example, instead of
nominating "Grafton area", nominate "Nymboida Canoe Centre, Nymboida".
3. Nominate a time of your ie Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring (when will your Venue be most enjoyable).
4. The venue must meet the following criteria:
*Capacity to cope with at least 150 people (or more if the Venue is a central location)
*Ample ablution facilities
*Both powered and unpowered sites
*Both bush camping and site camping availability
*Permit camp fires
*Have a central area for communal gathering
Full details regarding how to nominate a venue are in this thread --->