Mt Isa is the winner of the Triple J one night stand competition.
April 27th.
So what is this you ask?
JJJ the radio station, for some time now, has held a once a year concert event in a small town. The purpose is to bring music artists to these places. And it is done for free. They pay for it by selling Tee shirts CD's etc.
The important thing is that typically these towns population doubles for the weekend and even though JJJ is a part of the ABC where advertising is a NO NO, they actively promote the local businesses and encourage the visitors to spend local when there and on the way.
I remember reading what this event did for the community of Dalby when it was on in the drought.
No, it is not perfect, there will be a head ache or two.
But it is a good thing overall.
And, a heads up for the rest, stay away that weekend....
You'll be seeing a convoy of "P" plates heading out there.....