Hey Throb
Do you keto fulltime or cycle? I did a bit of a powerlifting and to prep for comps would do a super strict 10/4 keto cycle for fat loss about 6 weeks out. Super clean and super strict but very effective. I fkn hated it!
What macro split do you do?
Hey Trev
I do it full time for the last pretty much seven months. No cheat days. Quite strict, under 20g net carbs per day (usually under 20carbs total). I weigh/track all my foods/electrolytes.
In terms of splits, I did initially start with just eating to hunger type stuff, probably something like 5% carb 70% fat 25% protein. About three months ago I changed to the ketogains method which has yielded much better results and also meant I've been building muscle (coupled with gym work, no exercise prior to that really).
Ketogains don't do splits as such, they have a calculator based on your lean body mass/BF, goals and lifestyle.
So for me, 29/m 176cm LBM around 65-70kg (40%BF), at a 25% deficit, I eat around 1450 calories per day, 140g protein, 20g carb, fats 90ish (though my fats vary between 50-90g depending on hunger - when I have less fat I lose more weight). It's working for me so far, over 40kg down, am squatting 85kg and deadlifting 100kg (started with just the bar).
Keto also cured me of my chronic headaches (4+ a week, plus at least one migraine weekly, and usually a hospital visit once a month, not to mention the amount of nurofens/panadols/oxy/endone I was taking just to get through it). Since starting keto, I've had 4 headaches in seven months. Even if I wasn't losing weight I'd stay keto just because I have my life back now.
Feel free to PM me if you want any more info (goes to anyone interested).