Think I would go dirty before I ran salt water through mine.
I'll drink to that.
B.T.W. a couple of years back, did trip thru W.A.'s Pilbara and camped at Karajini camp site. Used water from the bore supplied. Excellent water. BUT ! after showering twice using said water, controls on hot water unit FROZE up, unable to move and change heat settings. Forced the control free, then it started leaking thus destroying the function of the heater.
When I got home, dismantled heater to find out the problem.
Discovered the water from the bore went into water tank that had no cover on top, thus allowing very fine bulldust into water. This dust/powder cannot be seen when filling up containers, it had built up around the "O" ring of the control tap in effect freezing it solid. Have had great difficulty in sourcing correct replacement size " O " ring.
So be warned, don't get caught out with this issue.