I have read through heaps of topics here. I see posts going back 6 years and more. No one seems interested in discussing the high prices of
BOTTLED GAS - the type of gas bottles campers need - primarily 9kg & 4.5kg. Because I am on the road 8 months a year, I needed gas but couldn't find an app or website that told me where to get it and how much to pay.
So I started such a website in MAY. If you use bottled gas in your travels, you will save heaps if you use my website. Have a look ... it's
And if you see us on the road, give us a toot and a wave as you go by. You'll know us by the big sign on the back of our motorhome. We
ALWAYS consider others and try to move out of your way when we can safely. Cheers Ranndy_Stone