At xmas time we were at Forsters when the big storm hit.
The river came up and the rain came down.
The ground eventually became totally saturated and we found ourselves walking in ankle deep water.
We have a hard floor, so a quick dip in a bucket, wipe the feet and we had no issues.
Next to us was a serious soft floor camper, I mean this thing was four times the size of our camper.
He got no water in, the camper took the wind and rain well, but the water flooded the whole site and there was no way to keep it out.
Some of the cabins leaked and one lost its roof, Tents were abandoned and caravans leaked and were damaged.
Cars were bogged and some campers had to be rescued from rapidly rising water.
My opinion of campers.
Hard floors are great, but they still have anexes that will get soggy once the water rises.
Soft floors have the same problem, just slightly more.
The wind and rain was as bad as I have ever seen it and yet neither our hard floor of the soft floor next door suffered any leaks or damage.
But every tent in the park was stuffed, no matter how good, big or tarped they were.
Packing up was a chore and we both would have to dry out our tents, but at least we slept well.