Went....Walked around a lot.
Saw a bit.
There are now 1847436 forward folds.
Saw some nice vans that I won't buy.
Not much in the way of smaller / hybrid off road vans to look at.
Heard some van seller say it's their biggest show of the year? Not sure how cause I think it's only the second one. ? ( could be wrong)
I did spend some money there.. That 6 pack stubby roll.
Even though I know I'll only need 4...
Then went to Aldi on the way home and bought the level ramp and the floor mesh.
My first purchase from Aldi.
It's $10 bucks PP entry.. $5 to park.. But plenty of street parking.
I was looking for some storage drawer sellers.. 3 there. 2 there..said.. Come to the shop.. Email me..
To be fair.. One have me rough pricing.
I was also looking for a winch for the shopping trolley. But no deals worth making me spend...