We haven't taken games camping for ages - we've usually been too busy doing nothing! Time to change that!
But years ago, Mrs Yoda spent a week on Fraser Is with a tropical depression (the weather, not the company!) and we played Pictionary for hours, it was a hoot!
I'm a bit how ya going with Scrabble, but love a variation called Take Two. You don't need the board, just the tiles, and it's a game of speed. Players take 7 letters, then you make your own words with the letters, the aim being to get rid of your letters first, and make everyone, including yourself, take two tiles. You can redo the words you make at any time. You just need a biggish table! Always good to make people take two when they've just mucked up their own scrabble board and need to race to make new words!
Boggle is good too, if you like word games. Just about to do an eBay search on Pass the Pigs, I remember that one from years ago!