A small hand brush (the dust pan type) lives in my draws. Great for brushing off sand & dirt off things when packing things back into the vehicle or camper.
A tip for annexes: Have 4 or 5 velcro tabs sewn on the pole sides of fabric. Then you can use any panel as a windbreak or sun block without having to put the whole annexe up.
1/2 a brick in a bucket that catches grey water out off the camper sink. Stops bucket being blown away if on the light side when the wind picks up.
A small zip up bag. Then kind Oztrail provide for pegs. Use this bag as a long drop survival kit for the girls. Fits 1 roll toilet paper, small pack of bio baby wipes and a small can of glen 20.
When swaging, use a very small hockey strap to secure a 20L solar shower to bull bar, shorten the shower tube/hose to make a great hand wash, place hand towel and pump soap on bull bar as well.
Use fishing glow lights on tent ropes, swag ropes, annexe ropes etc at night. Saves you tripping over them in the dark.