Harold scrubby is the sole member and chairman of the pedestrian council.
Yep, that's right only one.
But govco likes to use this deadbeat to push through its less palatable laws and draconian punishments.
Old harold is a deadbeat, he is very vocal and hates cars, bikes and everything that gives pleasure to humans, one of which he is not.
I once wrote to him about his obvious lack of understanding when he was demanding more rights for pedestrians, something along the lines of pedestrians have the right to walk wherever they want whenever they want and its up to the drivers to not hit them.
When I pointed out that this was just stupid and that pedestrians should take some responsibility for their own actions, he sent me an email full of hateful tripe, questioning my intelligence, my morals and even my family history.
I listed my qualifications and degrees and explained that I was not unintelligent.
I asked him to tell me his qualifications, he simply continued with his pointless personal attack after which I simply removed him from my email list.
There is no middle ground for this stupid imbecile, he thinks he is omnipotent and never wrong, to challenge his idiotic ideals is tantamount to genocide.
Turns out that this vegetable has inherited some money, set up an office which he calls the pedestrian council, lobbies and prostitutes himself for government funding in return for his ongoing agreement to all manner of revenue raising tools rolled out by our greedy, lazy government.
He walks to work each day (a few blocks in Sydney) and refuses to disclose if he holds a drivers licence.
I chose to believe that he has failed his driving test so many times that he is incapable of intelligent thought and takes it out on normal human beings who can actually pass the test.
Harold scrubby, Id call him a twisted little man, but he is inhuman so he is no man.