Just back from taking a damaged laptop to the computer shop we use. Had a joke with him about the posters across the front of the counter "Introducing Windows 7" & asked if he was "upgrading" 10 back to 7?
He said yes!
Reckons that when it came out, they all thought this is great, but as time has passed, the gloss has well & truly worn off.
Latest bit just in this last week is a new patch came out - download size is 1Gb!
So if you go to upgrade tomorrow (please don't, at least not yet!) then it's 3Gb for original Win 10 then an immediate extra 1Gb patch, & if the patch download process is interrupted, it goes back to the beginning & starts over from scratch
So, all his built PCs & laptops are all still being put together with Win 7 in them & he has no plans to change, at least for a few MONTHS, while M$ try to get their act together.
I'm certainly not rushing into changing for the sake of it!