Personally the only true way to find out is going on a trip or going to a information night. That being with any club, his say her say can be VERY different from your say.
If you do get a chance go in VERY open minded, EVERY club are different in some way.
I would think of what you want out the club. Eg more experience, friends or drinking buddies.
Question i know I would ask or observe to see how they deal with "stuff" would be.
Alcohol, when can i start drinking. Some clubs are ZERO alcohol.
Experience, do i need accreditation or tickets to go on the better trips. Can be a little annoying once payed up to find out sorry we'll need to tick you off (all about insurance ) before you can do that trip...
How many members.
Average age group.
Type of 4wds. Gives you a idea on what style of cruising they do.
and i could keep going.
Its really about trial and error. Just because 1 club is good for someone doesn't mean it'll be good for you.