Hi Swaggers,
We are in the very early stages of planning a 6 month trip around the top half of Australia. Last night the missus and I were discussing footwear and of course she was keen to take several pairs to cover most occasions... Me on the other hand I'm happy in double pluggers and work boots...
We are looking to travel through Central Australia, North West Coast WA, Pilbara, Kimberley, Darwin and surrounds, Gulf Country and then Central QLD to home on the Sunny Coast. I'm trying to cut down on the gear we cart (wife and 2 daughters...) on this trip but I'm mindful that we will be travelling through varying terrains and climates. I was thinking we could get away with a pair of hiking boots/shoes, thongs and a set of aqua shoes...
I'm interested to hear what swaggers have done in relation to their foot wear for similar trips and would love any recommendations for good brands or styles we should be looking at.