I need to do some ghetto data cabling. I have to run a single patch cable to my son's new gaming PC.
Given lockdown and all, and the fact my eyes are not what they used to be, I'm not planning on terminating the cable myself. Instead, I am buying a long already terminated patch lead and plan on feeding it through a hole in the floor and running it under the house where I have plenty of room to crawl around.
As the cable is already terminated the challenge is to drill a big enough hole to get the cable and plug through the floor. I have a 20mm hole saw I was planning to use. One end of the cable is going into the cupboard where the switch is, it's through carpet and yellow tongue. I plan to drill into the corner and plug the hole with a cork or similar once the cable is in. I'll drill this hole first because it will never be seen in case I bugger it up. The second hole is the challenge, even though it will be up against the skirting board, it will be in the middle of a wall and could be seen in the future if furniture is moved around.
Question - should/can I pull an edge of carpet up, or should I just drill straight through it? Any other tips gratefully accepted