A bit OT, but on Xmas eve my neighbours house burnt to the ground. Woke at 10 past midnight to flames shooting out the windows about 6 foot higher than the gutters.
About 6 or 8 fire units turned up (we only have tank water so they needed all the water they could bring), but it was gone. Took less than 10mins from the other neighbour noticing a glow and smoke to full inferno.
Lucky the owner is single and was at work on shift.
It was horrifying to see how quickly that fire destroyed that house - it was a stucco style on slab, half timber frame half steel. My house is an old qlder, all timber. If it wasn't so wet here lately we would have had a real bushfire situation in the middle of the night Xmas eve.
Made me realise we hadn't planned anything in the event of bushfire, and also made me realise how quickly a fire takes hold. If you were in that house, you had maybe 3-5mins to get out before you died from smoke inhalation. In a bushfire event, this would be magnified ten fold I would imagine.
Stay safe, and if I was in your situation I would be gone with the family to a safe place.