The scamers prey on a particular personality type...
THE GREEDY WHO ARE GULLIBLE...Eg: If you happen to be a self-centred; greedy pig - but have wisdom and a good IQ - then you may not find yourself ripped off.
In the same way - if you're a bit of a gullible (read simpleton) type - but are generally honest and conservatively manage your money - then you wont get yourself ripped off either...
BUT - generally; if you are the type who is a greedy little piggy AND who is dumper than dirt - THEN BINGO - you are a mark for the cons...
They seek the gullible: (geez... what could possibly go wrong with this deal) whom are Greedy - (I'll just sneak away with that boiled lolly from the blind person's bag... "I am so smart and cleaver"
I worked with a bloke who got scammed this way over a hilux for 6 grand, he showed me the ad and I told him it should be $15 000 for a car like that and it sounds dodgy as, he ended up sending the $6000 (by western union) without even seeing it coz he was afraid he would miss out. Bye bye cash and to make it worse he got a cash advance off his credit card to pay for it. It only takes one moron out there for these scams to pay off.