Thanks Everyone for thinking of us.
Well unfortunately Mrs Maverick had a 3rd brain tumour removed from the same spot as the other operations. The recovery was meant to take 4-5 hours but ended up taking 8.5 hours (very stressful sitting and waiting). This operation was done roughly 2months ago.
The surgery went well but now she has a fluid like build up on the outside of the skull which the doctors have said should reduce over the next few months. While in hospital recovering they had found 3 tumours growing on her lower spine which is preventing her walking properly and doing day to day task, the next step for this was to do radiation therapy on that area this area was treated and the success rate of it working and improving her walking were upwards of i think 60%. Well unfortunately it hasnt seemed to of worked ( doctors dont do scans as they go by symptoms) as Mrs March is still in a fair bit of pain and still cant walk properly, NO DRIVING, NO CAMPING.
Since the operation 2 months ago, the doctors performed another brain scan and they found a tumour growing on the front part of the brain (cant be operated on as its too risky). Two months ago thats all she had in there well unfortunately 2 months later there is roughly 4 in total, 1 of which is growing back in the same spot as the past 3 operations.
So at this stage I'm pretty much a full time carer (not that im a dole bludger but the government/centrelink wont allow us to get the carers benefits which suck). Still trying to get intowork occasionally but haven't been able to for the past 2 months.
Sorry i haven't been active on the forum lately. As you can tell I've been pretty busy with Mrs Maverick.