Hi Members. Ive been a bit of a lurker on here on and off and decided to join up today.
Bit of history about myself...married with 2 kids and work FIFO in WA, live in Adelaide. Have always been into 4wdriving and camping and on occasions have borrowed the inlaws soft floor camper for trips to the Grampians and south coast of NSW. After the last Grampians trip,with the kids all cosy in the tent section and my Wife and I freezing in the annexe we have decided to buy our own camper in the new year. We are set on a jayco eagle style with the slide out beds because we believe it will suit us while the girls are still young, as they can sleep on the double bed together and if the weather is horrible then we can be inside in reasonable comfort! Budget will be around 12k so hoping we can get an early 2000 model. Would love a coromal camper but they are a little high in price for us. Has to be an offroad model so we can take it into the Flinders Ranges!
So far ive enjoyed looking at everyones campers so I cant wait to buy ours and put up pics of it. There is a wealth of info on here so hopefully I can contribute my 2 cents worth in the future.