I have just dropped to a 6c feed in tarif
I exported 1501 to the grid last quarter
1501 kWh @ 52c = $780.52
1501kWh @ 44c = $660.44
1501 kWh @ 14c = $210.14
1501 kWh @ 6c = $90.06
My total bill here at home for the quarter is $210.00 so I have gone from zero bill to $210. these figures show that all the govt needed to do was maintain a FIT at 50% of the nominal tariff rate and houses could be power neutral.
even at 6c FIT I am saving myself $500 a bill so 2K per year , first 12mths save 3K . about a 4 year payback.
But the saving is not in what I sell to the grid it is in what i don't IMPORT / BUY to my house from the grid. not buying is 5 X better than selling.more than ever solar systems need to be designed and installed properly the fly by knight people and the big corpartes who knew nothing of solar before the rebates are now being shown as very poor choices for solar as that top figure $780.52 means the system could have been only 75% efficent and I would never have noticed. With diminished FIT the system must be efficient and tailored to the specific family situation.
Split arrays are now the norm and the arrays being sighted to correspond with peak power times of the day. if your only getting 6c a kWh then selling is worthless it is worth 5 X more for you to use that kWh in the home. so a lower overall system generation may in fact save you money if everything generated is being used thus saving you 30c for the unit of power.
A crude example all day whilst your at work and kids at school the panels are selling your power unit for 6c to the power company lets say it generates 12kWh and the installer has sighted it for MAX generation and between 10am - 3pm it is well sighted and pumping ot 12kWh to the grid. then the kids get home and the power usage ramps up at the same time the solar generation is ramping down.
So i would rather sight my panels to cover the usage pattern i have n/e and W n/w this way my generation peaks match my household usage peaks and I am not buing power units. That is my specific situation each family will have different patterns.
IMHO total system generation is no longer as important as matching generation to usage time. This is what will save you money. no one has a system that exports 5 x what they use. residential that is.
Confused yet