Sad to hear your tales of woe.
We moved house about 8 years ago because of noise, and a single bloody incredibly stupid, arrogant, mongrel (and rich ... ) neighbour!
Where we live now, at around 2300H I can hear the kitchen clock ticking (it's electric) from about 20 feet away - and my hearing at 65+ isn't what it was at 20+ ...
Not all that much noisier in the middle of the day.
Love it ...
I agree that many aspects of society have changed, and many not for the better.
Treating others with dignity, courtesy and respect seems to have disappeared off the school curriculum, and that of parents as well.
I was a Neighbourhood Watch zone leader for over 20 years, and the primary school teachers' common room where we held our meetings had all sorts of stuff about "rights" pinned to boards all around the room, but absolutely nothing about "duty". How can one have a right in the absence of a correlative duty? Or
vice versa?
The 'gimmee' society? It's here, I fear. Sad.