All I can add is that if the weather is dry then the soft sand sections will be more treacherous than usual. You just have to be aware of that and as always in those circumstances momentum is your friend. We own a stock standard V6 Prado 95 and each time we visited we towed something so in our case:
Lower the tyre pressures- 18psi and carry a portable air compressor
no sudden changes of direction
Remember momentum- sometimes that's all that will be between you and a bogging so be sure that everything in the car is secured because when things get bumpy you can't back off
Be careful of how much weight you have on a roof rack (if you have one)
Carry a snatch strap, have good rated points on the front, can use the tow hitch receiver on the rear
Maxtracks or the other brands like them will be very good insurance because you’ll be gobsmacked at how many travellers will drive straight past you if you’re bogged.
Stay in 4wd everywhere (except in Kingfisher and the sealed road parts of Eurong)
All those great videos about people getting bogged at Indian Head…. There’s always a reason they got bogged in the first place. Just watch them and you’ll see who makes it and why, and who doesn’t make it (and why) even recorded our own one year! yeah, it’s the beach, make sure your car has protection before you get on the island (like a good coat of polish over the paint and alloy and even if it’s been professionally rustproofed, spray every nut, bolt and connection underneath with some lanotec HD
Heading there in Sept. can’t wait!