Well the Pixhawk is like the APM all over again... Sigh..... The Pixhawk is made up of two boards the IO (Input / Output) and the FMU (Flight Management Unit) board. I should clarify, I'm running the ArduCopter fw and not the Pixhawk specific fw.
Firstly it took me an hour to work out that power management is weird, so I had wired it all up and the only IO board would fire up via the power module, yet both would if I powered it via the USB. Some reading and it seems that this happens if the servo rail gets more than 5.7V, it shuts down the FMU board to protect it. I checked each of my BEC's from the ESC's and they are putting out pretty much dead on 5V, hmmmmm. I popped all the + pins and suddenly it worked, the FMU fired up. Grrrr. So I've now used a separate BEC which is putting out 5.3V and it works, go figure..... Can't work out why it doesn't like the BEC from the ESC's. Good news is that if I pull the Power Module it is powered by the BEC.
I can arm it and have the motors all responding correctly :-) Pain in the arse is the safety button..... After you arm it via the transmitter you have to push the safety button.
GPS lock is quick and pretty good indoors. It's using two compasses so far - both calibrated. 2nd GPS will go on tomorrow.
Telemetry link is working.
I didn't get the camera gimbal mount cut today either. I'll do that tomorrow morning.
Also need to install the FPV gear once the camera mount is installed.
My big issue is that my tail servo is not responding, grrrr. I had to clean up so my dog can reclaim his downstairs area (I had hijacked it as my study was too cramped for a build), so tomorrow's maiden flight is looking doubtful. More likely to be Monday.
Pics of the pretty flashing lights: