Oh the memories…..
In order
A mini Panel van, Killed it
HD Holden sadan, set a record of 18 of us in it to go to the pub one day, Sold it at a profit of $25
Datsun Stanza, ended up with twin delorto’s on it and other go fast nonsense
72 Kombi. Killed it in Proserpine
Crysler Regal with the big 360, Stolen and they drove it head on ito a tree and spent long time in hospital
HT Holden wagon, drove it over to West coast on my own, Old Girlfriend killed it.
72 Toyota Carona, Lost interest in it, I think I left it in Kalgoolie somewhere
78 Kombie, sold it for the troopy
HJ75 Troopy, took a lot, but I killed it, then found it 10 years later still alive…..
HJ Holden ute, 253. Sold it
XF Ute, 5 speed, Killed and sold it
VX Golf, Wifes car, sold it to fit a munchkin
Rodeo Extra Cab ute, Sick of it
Forester, Wifes, sold it as we got 2 more munchkins one day and we didn’t fit
100 Series L/C, Sold it as it was not a comfy 7 seater as we hoped for
VW Multivn, Presently for sale. Will miss this one for sure
94 Troopy, to be passed onto my Son when I am too old to drive