Trying to get Ebay to deliver to us would be hard, even drifta cant get anything to us.
We would have to head to town to get a set of drawers and whilst there get them fitted.
GeeTee......didnt mean it to sound like the money wasnt worth it, I guess you where the only one that saw it like that being a CAMPER seller.
I do actually have a massive workshop here, and all the tools, and the expertise to do the work but getting the "parts here on a plane" would defeat the purpose of it being cost effective....
We have drift setup in our CT and the wood seems to have warped and the cupboards don't click shut anymore, the legs sometimes slide down and even fixing them up with a grind here and there and then plier to tighten doesnt work. They are just over a year old
I know there is a set for sale on Myswag but getting them to me would be a logistical problem and a costly one.
I guess I will wait till we have to goto town again and see if we can fit a flatpack in the car and do the fitting here.
( we live in the Gulf country on a remote cattle station, mail is by plane once a week and only if its dry. We get rained in for 5 months)
We dont mind paying for good gear, just didnt realise 2k for 2 single drawers in the back of a 4by cost 2k......