no such thing in a magazine...
It's a little OT, but Lost: I know you are a cynic (and with good justification based on how some magazines have *ahem* structured their business in recent time) but there are some journos and some magazines that still retain professional standards.
You may not always agree with the opinion of the writer/journo, or the outcome of a test - as I sometimes don't - but at least in a test or comparo, you can glean comparative information about performance and ability from blokes with decades of motoring/travel/product experience. (The trouble is, how is the reader to know one bloke dressed in a khaki shirt and slouch hat from another?)
But I reckon any magazine comparo, even if it is 'rigged', is worth more than the blabberings of some bright-eyed new owner writing :"
We absolutely love our new Nissyota! It's the best vehicle we've ever had and has been 100 percent reliable and taken us everywhere we've wanted to go!!" after owning it for one week... which, I'm sure you will agree, is a large part of the content of the Net